

Soil Properties & Resistivity

Soil properties to determine soil thermal resistivity testing by Tempsand All soils are different so what makes up soil and how are they affecting soil thermal resistivity testing properties Soil usually consists of three basic constituents. 1. Solids in Soil In soil, solids can be anything from a clay particle to a gravel piece. Every solid can be made up of any element however the […]

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Soil Thermal Resistivity Testing Basics

Soil thermal resistivity testing is a crucial stage in preparing to bury an underground utility line. The thermal resistivity of soil describes its ability to retain or dissipate heat. You Need to Know Thermal Resistivity Before You Bury: Power lines Phone lines Data lines Petroleum pipelines Solar power storage Why Thermal Resistivity Matters Heat retention is a key […]

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Backfill Materials Needed to Measure Thermal Resistivity of Soil

Tempsand can assist companies and individuals with laboratory and field services that are designed to help measure the required amount of backfill materials needed for various pipelines and disposals and measurement services for the thermal resistivity of soils. They pride themselves on having both the technical expertise and the knowledge to guarantee their soil thermal […]

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Soil Thermal Resistivity Testing Basics

Soil thermal resistivity testing is a crucial stage in preparing to bury an underground utility line. The thermal resistivity of soil describes its ability to retain or dissipate heat. You Need to Know Thermal Resistivity Before You Bury: Power lines Phone lines Data lines Petroleum pipelines Solar power storage Why Thermal Resistivity Matters Heat retention […]

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Geotechnical Investigation & Engineering

What are geotechnical investigations? Good soil information is precious. It can lead to significant savings and firm foundations designs because the parameter designs are well defined. If the information is comprehensive, the structure built will be more economical, and it will be stronger. The objective of geotechnical investigations is to build a good building at […]

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Soil Thermal Resistivity Testing for rail infrastructure

Soil thermal resistivity testing is essential for electrical rail infrastructure. It is acknowledged that electrical cables produce heat. This heat is a by-product of the electrons in the metal. When the particles move there is friction. Friction causes heat and this is why the cable heats. In high load areas such as Rail infrastructure most […]

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Soil Thermal Resistivity Testing and Saving for Clients

Soil thermal resistivity testing or soil thermal conductivity testing is a relatively new field and as such little is known about how some soils can react and the implications it may have on infrastructure. It is obvious that soil thermal resistivity testing can have significant savings in not only the cable sizing but also the amperage or […]

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Soil thermal resistivity testing and underground Power lines

Soil thermal resistivity testing for underground power cables Knowing the soil thermal conductivity can help with the power load on underground power cables. Recently, Victoria had large bush fires that caused loss of life and millions of dollars of damage to homes and the states infrastructure.  It has been reported that some of the fires […]

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Soil properties to determine soil thermal resistivity

Soil thermal resistivity is determined by three basic things soil particles, water and air All soils are different so what makes up soil and how are they effecting soil thermal properties Soil usually consists of three basic constituents. 1. Solids In soil, solids can be anything from a clay particle to a gravel piece. Every […]

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Soil thermal conductivity

Knowing this about soil can help save your underground power line problems As you would all agree that soil thermal conductivity is a relatively new field. We have guides of cause but in relative terms to other sciences it is in its infancy. The more I read what is written the longer and more confusing […]

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