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Soil Thermal Resistivity Testing and Saving for Clients

Soil thermal resistivity testing or soil thermal conductivity testing is a relatively new field and as such little is known about how some soils can react and the implications it may have on infrastructure. It is obvious that soil thermal resistivity testing can have significant savings in not only the cable sizing but also the amperage or loading that can be placed on the cables. The old method of placing cables in conduit while can have some advantages mostly has down sides as the cable has to be larger to accommodate the heating effect experienced by being in air.  Again this can be alleviated by having larger cables but this increased the heat causing thermal resistivity inside the cable. The solution is to place the cables in a soil that is thermally stable and had soil thermal resistivity testing.  Tempsand can design and do testing for thermal materials to your specification. We look forward to the challenges set by you and know we will be able to help into the future with your soil thermal resistivity testing and thermally designed bedding material.