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Soil thermal conductivity

Tempsand, soil test, soil thermal conductivity, resistivity

Australia, leader in soil thermal conductivity and soil thermal resistivity test and design.

Soil Thermal Conductivity from Tempsand

Soil thermal conductivity is the ability of a soil to conduct heat. Heat is produced when electricity is transferred through cable but in this case we are looking at underground cables and the effect soil conductivity can have on heat transference. Like all things if the heat is not dissipated reasonably quickly it has an effect of possibly accumulating and at the very least slowing down the electricity and the very worst melting the cable. This is why a test of natural soil and the bedding media of the cables are so important. If we can determine the thermal properties of the natural soil before the cable is laid we are then able to determine the thickness of the cable for the voltage and amp age that is required. We can modify the conductivity of the soil however by placing a bedding material around the cable that has the ability to transfer heat more readily. When this practice is adopted the soil conductivity of the supplied material must be determined and the appropriate cable design and bedding thickness designs adopted. As you can see thermal properties of bedding materials and natural soil are essential to the design of underground power cables.