Geotechnical Investigation & Engineering

Tempsand Environmental Awards

Tempsand can handle all of your soil test and Geotechnical Investigation needs

Geotechnical Investigation from Tempsand

When you decide to start your engineering project you will most likely require a Geotechnical Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering. The Investigation can vary extensively depending on the requirements set out in the project. Generally after the parameters have been set by the design engineer they then passes it to the Geotechnical authority which plots the location and depth of the proposed soil test. This Investigation can then entail as little as (depending on the requirements set) simple bore holes to establish depth of the underlaying strata, Dynamic Cone Penetrometer testing to determine the bearing strength of those strata and often several NATA laboratory test will also be performed to help decide the reactivity of the strata. After all data has been collated the Geotechnical Engineer then makes recommendations based on your design engineers’ parameters. The Geotechnical Investigation and Geotechnical Engineer is only the initial steps in the overall design of the structure and great care should be taken in employing a competent and qualified company for your project. If not then over testing (or even worse) under testing could occur and this can have serious affect on the design life of your structures.

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