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Mission Statement

The goal of Tempsand is to provide services in the geotechnical and soil thermal fields with a view to helping improve Australia’s infrastructure in a cost effective manner. We believe we can achieve this in several ways:

Quality We recognise that any result in the soil dynamic, environmental and geotechnical fields are only as good as the people taking the tests. We ensure that our staff hold quality foremost in their minds. Our sister company is also recognised in achieving quality assurance in the laboratory field.
Reliability We do what we say. We are proud of our record in being a stalwart company. Our sister company South East Soil Testing has been in operation for almost 20 years.
Practicability We always endeavour to investigate fully all workable solutions for our clients. We take to heart our slogan “Practical People Superior Solutions” as there is no use designing and implementing a programme that adds significant costs when a more cheaper and possibly more effective solution may be found.
Thermal Sands We have patented products that can produce your desired thermal resistivity. We design to each specification to meet your clients needs and optimise the product for longevity and performance. Our staff have vast experience in the production of high quality thermal product that can meet a wide range of purposes.